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about us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et volutpat est. Phasellus ut tortor ipsum. Cras porttitor, ipsum nec bibendum tristique, tellus elit porta dolor, vitae aliquam arcu est eget dolor. Nam ultrices, ligula in facilisis vestibulum, augue purus eleifend justo, pulvinar elementum massa enim non dui. Etiam nisl quam, luctus posuere aliquam vitae, adipiscing vitae mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus ut eros et metus dignissim tincidunt. Ut rhoncus pharetra arcu id consequat. Praesent viverra laoreet posuere.

Curabitur ante elit, tincidunt sit amet tincidunt ut, pretium non velit. Quisque sed metus eu arcu pellentesque sollicitudin. Sed in velit sed massa accumsan fermentum sed vitae mi. Morbi mollis interdum nulla, nec hendrerit mi vehicula elementum. Ut porttitor auctor magna eu placerat. Ut dui arcu, auctor non luctus placerat, euismod non tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean risus metus, pulvinar ac tincidunt id, rhoncus et quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque vel est mauris. Etiam mi felis, adipiscing eu gravida semper, blandit non massa. Cras viverra condimentum sollicitudin. Ut vitae quam erat, et gravida nulla.

  • Acicte magna ipsum dolor tation ullamcorper
    V Care Interiors Interiors
    V Care Interiors is a creative team of young, enthusiastic and eager architects. Incepted in 2010, with just a vision and zero capital, 360 is today among the top architecture and interior design firms of Chennai, with a team of 12 architects and designers, having carved a niche in the field of imaginative yet efficient architectural and interior design, across southern cities of India. We've some of the brightest and most creative minds in our designer team, yet we believe a great design emerges only by exchange of ideas between clients and us. We prefer to involve our clients in the design process..
  • Aperce sit conse tation ullamcorper
    V Care Interiors Exteriors
    In V Care Interiors , we have established a reputation of complete customer satisfaction and earned the respect of many renowned builders . We are dedicated to excellence in everything that we do, from our roofing and siding systems, to our people, to our service. At Exterior Associates, we are unique in our capabilities and unparalleled in our expertise. Schooled in the art of quality roofing, our company has a solid background in building construction, quality roofing, design, installation and also repair.
  • Ecco enswom sucaal  tation ullamcorper
    V Care Interiors Modular Kitchen
    V Care Interiors is a one stop kitchen store offering entire range of modular kitchen, wardrobe, hardware, accessories and appliances etc... kitchen products & Repairs Enquiry, Wardrobe labour contract & Service in Chennai. Our factory is manned by skilled and experienced personnel, trained in all aspects of kitchen and Wardrobe design and execution. Our products conforms to all prescribed standards in design and are recognized for their quality, workability and long-lasting strength.
  • Ecco enswom sucaal tation ullamcorper
    V Care Interiors Furnitures
    V Care Interiors, the one stop furniture store in Chennai, The customers from all over chennai visit and purchase the furnitures to their needs.. We believe in Quality as well as cost effective products, as we directly approach manufacturers and buy in bulk the best price is possible to us.. To facilitate customers all over chennai, We do Free shipping at their doorstep, Customers who bought furnitures from us are our Brand ambassadors and they spread the word of the unique experience to others
  • Ipsum dolor tation ullamcorper
    V Care Interiors Wardrobe
    The V Care Interiors gives you an infinite number of possible combinations to suit your needs.Modular cabinets by V Care Interiors you the versatility and performance of a custom closet with the advantages of easy installation and low price-a standard model. Resistant and durable materials; corner modules for optimizing space and folding and sliding doors that meet the requirements of the small rooms are provided by V Care Interiors Doors are the most visible part of the cabinet, which will define the style of the furniture and the environment condition of stay.
  • Magna aliqua tation ullamcorper
    V Care Interiors Lighting
    In V Care Interiors we are committed to the promotion of LED technology in all kind architectural lighting applications. Our partnerships with some of the most famous European LED lighting manufacturers, enables us to offer an extensive portfolio of LED luminaires allowing us to address any requirement in a lighting project. Our product range includes a broad selection of LED decorative lights, LED Decorative Lighting, LED Handmade Lamps and downlights, LED track spots, LED floor lamps, LED table lamps, LED strips and LED outdoor luminaires.